A great article published recently that provides an overview of some current systems in our industry is David Drucker's piece in May's issue of Research Magazine entitled, "The State of Advisor Technology". David touches on:
- Customer Relationship Management Software
- Financial Planning Systems
- Portfolio Management and Reporting Systems
- Document Management Systems
- Software Integration
- Remote Computing
Some firms that are large such as brokerages and banks already have many of these systems in place. Other small sole practitioner or partner shops may have a few in action because they haven't focused their efforts on the technology area. Technology has been known in some aspects as a cost center and in a financial planning practice, the firm is not paid on the actual technology segment of the business. The relationship is the main driver for revenues within the firm.
This is about opening professionals' eyes as to how critical technology is to a financial planning practice. If the systems and processes are mastered, more time is allowed to develop relationships for greater revenue generation and a better chance of a successful venture.
More details will come as far as the logistics for the meeting. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve our community.