Wednesday, July 2, 2008

NexGen Information

The time is here and now for NexGen to arrive. Over the past two conferences, there has not been a representative from Arizona present (as far as I know). This year is different. I've got my skin in the game now fully and I am ready to learn as well as contribute.

NexGen will be held in St. Cloud, MN at St. John's University from July 25-27, 2008. This is an opportunity for planners across the country to get acquainted with one another, learn from each other, and learn about the industry and how it relates to the next generation of financial planners. NexGen is not about replacing the Financial Planning Association. This is about supplementing it with a group that caters to our generation.

More information on this event can be found at the brand new FPA National website. The roster for this event can be found here. Also important is the registration form, which provides the sign up sheet. The other item on this section of the site is the brochure that describes the agenda and schedule for the event.

There is a lot to be said about building a network of like minded individuals that act as support and a resource to help us achieve our goals. Every single person has something to contribute and I am looking forward to seeing them shine.

I will provide a full report upon return from the conference of take-aways at NexGen 2008. This trip will help strengthen the Young Financiers as a group, which is a benefit in its own right.